
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Author: Helen Maupin

Leading Blind:   What Don’t You Know?

 For most people, the key to becoming a better leader lies not in training or skills development, but in self-awareness.      Les McKeown Whether we

Corporate Culture — Time to Grow Up

Culture, whether bound by organizational or national borders, contains layers of complexity within its definition.  One of these layers (behaviours) is visible to the eye

Meditation — What is it and Why do it?

Meditation is a practice aimed at strengthening concentration and stilling the mind.  Both of these outcomes are often accomplished by focusing one’s attention on a

Mindfulness II — It’s Art and Science

In last week’s blog, Mindfulness — In Pursuit of Wisdom, I equated mindfulness or calm awareness in the present moment to an elevated state of consciousness. 

Mindfulness I — In Pursuit of Wisdom

 Wayne Dyer refers to mindfulness as paying attention to “what’s happening right here and right now, independent of my opinion about it.”  In today’s business jargon,