
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy Blog

YOGA ACTIONS for Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana

When our body experiences physical, mental, or emotional stress, it releases hormones that produce cortisone and adrenaline in the bloodstream. Once circumstances return to ‘normal’,

A Yoga Teaching:  Reacting versus Responding

In asana practice, yoga postures balance our outer structure (physical body) and cleanse our inner energy channels (nadis). As our practice matures, we reveal where

YOGA ACTIONS for Adho Mukha Svansana

Arguably, the asana most commonly associated with yoga is Downward-facing Dog. It can take yogis many years to master this posture given its requirement to

A Yoga Teaching: Ego versus Intuition

In 2000, when I began my yoga journey, one of the first teachings confronting my “rationally” trained mind was this — if we seek wisdom

YOGA ACTIONS for Virabhadrasana III

Meditation can be a helpful tool to unravel complex emotions. By looking directly at the anger, you start to strip away the stories, focusing instead

Yoga in Every Day Life

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras teach us that yoga is both a practice with methods and tools as well as a state of being — more familiarly

YOGA ACTIONS for Virabhadrasana II

The following teaching from the Vigyan Bhairava [or God Consciousness] Tantra, Verse 27 states, When by itself the breath is retained after inhalation or exhalation

Yoga Actions for Finding Your Balance

Practice the Yoga Actions described below for each of the following poses YOGA ACTIONS: Complete your practice with 5 to 10 minutes of your favourite

YOGA ACTIONS for Virabhadrasana I

Discovery, not performance, is the aim in yoga, and what we are seeking to discover is ease, stability, and freedom.  The mind becomes suddenly clear

7 Mindfulness Practices for Daily Life

by Chloe Pearson In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and presence can feel like a luxury. However, incorporating mindfulness into our daily routines

YOGA ACTIONS for Parivrtta Trikonasana

Like most yoga poses, twisting asanas provide physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. To keep the spine supple and trigger our inner heat source, gentler twists