
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Tag: yoga actions

Backbend Into An Open Heart — Part VII

During times of social isolation from friends and even close family members, we especially need heart-warming and heart-opening rituals and experiences. These practices remind us

Backbend Into An Open Heart — Part VI

If you have already practised my previous five backbend sequences, you recognize those practices are directed toward intermediate or advanced yogis. However, backbend yoga poses

Vinyasa: Asana that Warms From the Inside Out

For the past six weeks, I illustrated different mini inversion sequences intended to open you to the benefits of turning upside down. Most specifically, the

Adaptation Manifests Refinement — Part I

I just came home from an intriguing breakfast conversation with two dear friends, David and Deri. Our back-and-forth dialogue circled around the uncertain adventure COVID

Side Bends Aren’t the Pits

Some years ago, in a yoga class taught by B.K.S. Iyengar, he was quoted as saying, “If you open your armpits, you’ll never get depressed.”

An Everyday Yoga Practice

For those of you who know the benefits of a daily yoga asana practice, the 60-minute sequence below offers poses you could do every day.

Yoga Asana for Balance

As social and physical distancing become a greater part of our everyday life, our physical activities do not need to take a back burner. In