
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Transformational Coaching

Freeing the Rib Cage

For more yoga actions and sequences for the torso and spine, click here. Namaste.

Finding Your Energy Pathway

4 Sacred Domes & Mula Bandha For the accompanying inversion sequence, click here (p. 154). Namaste.

3-Minute Standing Sequence #2: UTTANASANA

YOGA ACTIONS:  2-directional stretch of the entire spine INHALE breath up to crown EXHALE breath down and out tailbone Instructions: Repeat the YOGA ACTIONS for

The Politics of Power

This past weekend, good friends listened to me ranting about political parties that feel they can only succeed with “majority rule”, and using such rationale

Big Events = Big Awakenings = Big Results

Painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov Given the chaotic change and heightened stress of the past 18 months, one could arguably say what’s bigger than a

Suffering Is Optional

A familiar yoga adage comes to mind as I consider the loss of a relationship in my life — Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Movement Opens Up Mastery

photo by Blair Dunn Whether exercising our physical body, reading a novel, or practicing a spiritual teaching, we open ourselves to learning something new. Within