
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Transformational Coaching

No Point of View In All Relations

In my youth, critical thinking was highly valued as the primary skill of a problem solver. Of course, in the western worldview of North America,

Left Loving

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. George Sand During COVID’s social distancing requirements, so many of our intimate, loving

Truth Telling

We now know that perception dictates reality, and for many, reality is seen as truth. During conflict mediations I tell my clients, truth is coloured

Fear Crushing

When people live under prolonged fear of any life-threatening situation — COVID, war, violence, social oppression, bullying, etc. — they experience trauma. Although Post-traumatic Stress

Reflection and Restoration

Summer is my time to fully surrender to nature’s call outdoors. Over 30 years ago, I committed to readjusting my “internal rhythm” to match that

Be Gone to Be Light

Today, I remind myself not to be buffeted by narratives of the past or belittled by negative opinions in the present. Although neither serve any

Transcend Fear into Freedom

Photo by Jeremy Williamson As new COVID cases continue emerging due to reduced physical restrictions, fear, anger and blame also mount. Physical freedom has been

Love’s Secret

My heart is full having shared a Folk Festival virtual viewing with dearly loved friends. Note the Folk Festival wrist bands. This welcome gathering was

Suspended Animation: a Time for Meditation

Each week another once taken-for-granted freedom returns as the number of COVID-19 cases declines. For our quarantined three months, a sense of suspended animation left

Pandemic Peace

As our national birthday approaches, our provincial borders begin to accommodate greater travel due to relaxing COVID 19 physical distancing restrictions. The heat of summer