
Transforming Fear to Joy

A Yoga Teaching:  Reacting versus Responding

In asana practice, yoga postures balance our outer structure (physical body) and cleanse our inner energy channels (nadis). As our practice matures, we reveal where cleansing is needed and stillness is absent. Mindfulness or present moment awareness is required to bring stillness to the foreground at which point the body opens, the breath settles, and the mind stills.

Yoga Actions enable us to remain mindful throughout the expression of each posture. Simply put, the importance of mindful awareness allows us to discern between the false reactivity of our ego and the truthful responsiveness of our spirit. Typically, impulsive reactivity reflects the feelings we have been unwilling to face.

Most people live in their Samskaras (conditioned, unconscious and conscious behavioural habits/
reactions to life’s events). Some of these habits are good. Some are not. Those that are negative or limiting drive us toward one or all of these reactions: aversion, attachment, and avoidance. In other words, if you find yourself reacting with aversion, attachment or avoidance, you know you are operating from your Samskaras (ego behaviour). Staying present in each moment allows you to stay centred in that place where special insight resides and to then respond with calm abiding and clear seeing.

I try to capture this teaching in the poem below, which is in my soon-to-be published fifth poetry book, Gone Girl. You can listen to my reading of this poem by clicking on the audio file below.

In the Belly of Stillness

Where stillness spreads its inner tendrils
and expands filling the farthest reach,
in flows great activity.

Released tension and suffering declutter
body and mind.  More space
accommodates more stillness to flow forth.

Within this ballooning inner expanse,
divine seedlings unfold. 
Without personal effort, they awaken. 

Creative contributions emerge
from the tuning
of a willing and open heart.

For more yoga actions, asana sequences and poetry, click here. Namaste.

Picture of Author: Helen Maupin

Author: Helen Maupin

Helen is passionate about transforming fear into love — from her, for her, for all. She expresses her commitment to transformation through writing poetry, self-awareness and yoga books, co-designing organizations into adaptive enterprises and deepening her daily meditation and yoga practices.


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