
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Tag: how people change

Relationship as a Spiritual Path

There are many paths to integration — that state of wholeness and balance culminating in a life well lived.  As this week’s guest blogger discovered,

Shifting Values II — Moving Beyond Addiction

From my own experience with addictive behaviour such as smoking, over-achieving, and pursuing money, I recognize how obsessive dependency on any thing or person enslaved

Peace is Possible — a new Tipping Point

In his 1993 novel, The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield articulated the following Nine Insights as significant for the then current global experience. A spiritual awakening

Owning Up: Are You An Authentic Leader?

As leaders in our own lives, our greatest challenge is to own our negative behaviour rather than hold others responsible for what we think, feel


 As above, so below. As within, so without. This week I am somewhat obsessed with simplifying and beautifying my physical surroundings, particularly my home and

Designing for Radical Transformation

What do you see as the greatest source of uncertainty in today’s world? Certainly, driving forces such as digitization, globalization and individuation top most lists

A Point of Departure

Upon some reflection, I feel the loss of solid ground and the shifting sands of a new beginning taking hold of me.  In this case,

We Are All One

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become

Creating Through Intuition

I feel very blessed today — fatigued but blessed.  I returned home from several days of creative collaboration with six cherished friends.  We did not