
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Yoga Actions

YOGA ACTIONS for Utthita Trikonasana

Yoga asanas, when combined with yoga actions, move us deeper into our journey of self-realization. Rather than emphasizing the external shape of each pose, one’s

Yoga Actions for CHAIR YOGA VII — to REST & DIGEST

Chair Poses to REST & DIGEST The vagus nerve is the prime component of the parasympathetic nervous system which regulates “rest-and-digest” or “tend-and-befriend” (loving kindness)

Yoga Actions for a Spacious Pelvic Bowl

Practice the Yoga Actions described below for the following yoga poses. For more Yoga Actions and poses related to your pelvis and psoas, click here.

Yoga Actions to Balance Your Pelvis

Practice the Yoga Actions described below in each of the following poses. For more Yoga Actions related to your pelvis and psoas, click here. Namaste.

Grounding Your Pelvis in Symmetrical Poses

Practice the Yoga Actions description below in each of the following poses. For more Yoga Actions and asana sequences related to your pelvis and psoas,

A Path to Supta Virasana (Supine Hero Pose)

Many yogis struggle to find sattva (contentment and ease) in this reclining asana. Hence, why it is considered an intermediate pose and not taught until