
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Yoga Actions

Backbend Into An Open Heart — Part III

Although some people find bending over backwards more difficult than standing on their hands, both inversions and backbends energize our body, mind and spirit. And

Backbend Into An Open Heart — Part I

Tis the season to be jolly. As this carol lyric reminds, the winter holiday centring around the Solstice is a time for counting our blessings

Vinyasa: Asana that Warms From the Inside Out

For the past six weeks, I illustrated different mini inversion sequences intended to open you to the benefits of turning upside down. Most specifically, the

Invert Your Way Out of Depression and Anxiety: Part I

Prior to our current COVID circumstances, I wrote of research proving that yoga poses incorporated with regulated breath work (pranayama) drastically reduced depressive symptoms.  Interestingly,

Adaptation Manifests Refinement — Part II

Refinement is a necessary step on our evolutionary ladder toward self-actualization and fulfilment. Being aware of what forces drive our behaviour means we can adapt

Adaptation Manifests Refinement — Part I

I just came home from an intriguing breakfast conversation with two dear friends, David and Deri. Our back-and-forth dialogue circled around the uncertain adventure COVID