
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy Blog

A Yoga Teaching: Be Real versus Belong

Truth rarely seems to ask the easier choice of us. Deborah Adele In her book, The Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice, Adele writes about

YOGA ACTIONS for Bhishmasana

Bhishmasana’s extensive support and alignment enable a more profound restfulness, allowing the body to fully release tension and find a deep sense of calm. Tummee.com In

A Yoga Teaching: Truthfulness (Satya)

The first and second of yoga’s eight limbs are the five yamas and five niyamas. The primary significance of these 10 ethical practices cannot be

YOGA ACTIONS for Wall Stretch

The sedentary lifestyles of knowledge workers have them seated at a computer for several hours each day. Without daily movement that counteracts this inactivity, the

YOGA ACTIONS for Parivrtta Trikonasana

Revolved Triangle pose integrates balance, flexibility, and strength while simultaneously aiding digestion from twisting and moving the abdominal organs. The complexity of the pose is

A Yoga Teaching: Samskaras — 9 Obstacles

[W]e’re born with a karmic inheritance of mental and emotional patterns—known as samskaras—through which we cycle over and over again during our lives.   Bo Forbes

YOGA ACTIONS for Salamba Upavistha Konasana

Forward folding postures, whether supine, standing, or seated, typically challenge 99% of yoga practitioners. Even though the intent of forward folds is to calm the

A Yoga Teaching: Ahimsa (non-violence)

In a previous post, I wrote about reacting from ego rather than responding from calm abiding and clear seeing. An everyday example of ego’s reactivity