
Transforming Fear to Joy

Many years ago, a wise person told me “We are all on a spiritual journey.” When I considered these words, I could readily accept that each person is in some way growing up, waking up, and showing up to be the best they can be in their life journey. Nonetheless, it took me several more years before I understood that ambition, desire, and striving are the path of ego and nowhere to go, nothing to do and no one to be are the path of spirit. I interpreted this paradigm shift to mean that I could relinquish taking the lead (i.e., needing to be the visionary; working faster, harder, smarter; etc.) and let life show me through emerging possibilities what my next course of action could be.

Letting go of the erroneous belief that I might be in control and surrendering to life’s organic unfolding was much harder than I anticipated. Initially, for me to participate in this significant transition, I made a deal with the Universe — if you knock on my door twice concerning the same possibility, I will respond. My so-called science experiment was a raging success, and three decades later the Universe continues to knock and to lead me into the most unexpected, delightful, and enlightening experiences. My yoga practice is one of those emergent experiences.

The Yoga Sutras define yoga as both a method of practice with a set of tools and a state of being. Through the persistent practice of yoga’s eight limbs and the surrender of anything that stands in the way of our true nature, we come to live in a state of whole awareness and loving-kindness. The poem below echos this journey into our beingness. It can be found in my soon-to-be-published fifth poetry book. You can listen to me reading this poem by clicking on the audio file below.

No One To Be

In the great void of no self, no thought,
no senses lies the seeds of love.  Here,
a dark night of the soul shakes loose
two possible paths — fear and love.

Shall we fear not knowing and fight what is?
Or, shall we willingly witness the shadowy
darkness, and trust this view
will annihilate what is untrue? 

Truth is a choice.  Breathe love in.
In the shadow is where love’s candor
hails forth; where darkness is the servant,
and loving light is the master.

The Universe hears all appeals
to crack open the heart, so echo
these words into the world,
“How would love respond here?”

For more yoga teachings, actions and poetry, click here. Namaste.

Picture of Author: Helen Maupin

Author: Helen Maupin

Helen is passionate about transforming fear into love — from her, for her, for all. She expresses her commitment to transformation through writing poetry, self-awareness and yoga books, co-designing organizations into adaptive enterprises and deepening her daily meditation and yoga practices.


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