
Transforming Fear to Joy

We now know that perception dictates reality, and for many, reality is seen as truth. During conflict mediations I tell my clients, truth is coloured by perceptions, desires and beliefs. Thus, there are as many truths in any given situation as there are individuals — yours, mine, theirs. Furthermore, in discussions to resolve these conflicts, another truth typically emerges — a shared truth — one that all parties involved can live with.

This knowledge left me pondering the many human systems we access in our life-long pursuit of the truth — science, art, intuition, religion, etc. In my own truth-seeking journey, I found writing helps me to both discover and decipher my truth as evidenced in the poem below from my last poetry booked titled Mad Woman Laughing.

Ancient Truths

I read once, “the wisdom of the ancients
is stored in bone and stone.”  So, I waded out
to a giant rock pressing its face to the sun,
climbed aboard with my pen and journal, and waited. 

No clue what might or might not emerge.

That rock expelled heat and sensation, both seeped into me. 
Something melted away, and like waves splashing over me,
inspiration surged forth faster than pen across pages. 

I wrote without thought.  Truth effortlessly revealed.
Wanting to be heard, these stories of before, now finely felt.

May your truth guide you to contentment. Namaste.

Picture of Author: Helen Maupin

Author: Helen Maupin

Helen is passionate about transforming fear into love — from her, for her, for all. She expresses her commitment to transformation through writing poetry, self-awareness and yoga books, co-designing organizations into adaptive enterprises and deepening her daily meditation and yoga practices.


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