
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Yoga Actions

YOGA ACTIONS for Headless Sirsasana

Sirsasana or Headstand is referenced as the King of Asanas because of its many benefits. Turning ourselves upside down promotes both physiological and psychological health.

YOGA ACTIONS for Supta Baddha Konasana

In a stress-filled world challenged with increasing levels of anxiety and depression, restorative yoga is a boon to the mind, body, and spirit. Supta Baddha

A Yoga Teaching: Pleasure vs. Happiness

A primary teaching of yoga holds that true happiness, referred to as bliss or joy, comes from within. That is to say, no external thing,

YOGA ACTIONS for Uttansana

Our back body is not easily seen unless we look in a mirror. Unfortunately, what is hidden from our eyesight can also be lost to

A Yoga Teaching: Better, Worse, Different

Yogis embrace this simple truth about all change — first, it gets better; then it gets worse; then it ‘gets’ different. In its simplicity, change

A Yoga Teaching: Soul Consciousness

Those on the yoga path often hear from our teachers that we are human beings on a spiritual journey. However, as that journey progresses and

YOGA ACTIONS for Natarajasana

Yoga, as a body-mind-spirit practice, aims to integrate samadhi, the state in which the whole being comes into presence. The yogi’s challenge is translating this

YOGA ACTIONS for Vrksasana

Often a change of seasons can bring forth a sense of instability and imbalance as we find ourselves experiencing different circumstances. Rather than reacting with

YOGA ACTIONS for Wall Stretch

Learning to stand on both your feet and hands is a life-affirming teaching in yoga. Of course, we begin with what we already think we

A Yoga Teaching: Present Moment Awareness

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali provide threads of wisdom to guide and support those on the journey to enlightenment (to attaining spiritual knowledge or insight).