
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Leadership

Collective Wounds — A Rationale for Universal Values

There comes a time in one’s wisdom journey through life where healing personal wounds is outgrown and replaced by a concern for the collective wounding of the planet and humanity at large. These shared or universal wounds — poverty, pollution, oppression/terrorism — are stored in the deepest grooves of the human brain and, overtime, negatively altered our DNA passing from generation to generation in their groundswell of enmity.

Sins of Omission & Sins of Commission 

Even in childhood I recall I understood the basic difference between right and wrong.  I might not have been able to articulate my experience, but

Complex Priorities Demand Simple Discernment 

When priorities appear to compete with each other for moral high ground and resources, how do we process these complex challenges into meaningful decisions? Complex

Attention World-wide News Media . . . It’s Time to Diversify

They just aren’t getting it. By they, I mean the large conglomerates publishing the daily news around the world. Over 20 years ago, I quit watching the news
and reading the daily papers because the only stories reported were negative — terrorism, violent crimes, wars, natural disasters, death tolls. Shortly thereafter, enough of the global population must have made their dissatisfaction known as a common occurrence emerged on every news station — the reporting anchor ended her/his reading of depressing stories with one positive event.

Well, a ratio of 10 negative to 1 positive does not a true picture make.

Integrity — Is Life Testing Ours?

The mass migration of over four million Syrian refugees into the European Union poses a second opportunity for that collective of countries (as well as