
Transforming Fear to Joy

Yoga Actions Asana Glossary E-BOOK


Reviews:Myrna Black, CYA RYT-300 wrote:

I have had the privilege of practicing under Helen’s guidance, along with using the books previously produced by Helen and Candace. Their guidance and resources are greatly valued in planning classes and deepening my own practice. This Yoga Action Glossary provides pose variations that are suitable to any “body” allowing the greater population an opportunity to begin a gentle practice and possibly move towards enjoying the benefits gained from a regular yoga practice. I look very forward to including this reference into my teaching resources.

Maxine Tymchuk wrote:

Beautifully organized, the Asana Glossary ties together the Creating Space yoga actions series in its many forms, depicting years of wisdom, knowledge and experience by highly skilled teachers who love what they do.
“Set your roots, build your foundation and let the yoga actions grow from a place of stability.”


                                         700+ Asana Photos (Sanskrit and English names)


Digital copy:  $20.00 + gst = $21.00

This 169-page book contains photo images of asanas (poses) meant to illustrate approximate expressions of each pose.  We hope this glossary and our collective works enable you to find your foundation of truth, as well as allow you to flow peacefully through life to freely express who you are.

This digital book can be viewed on all platforms and printed for ease of access.

To receive the book, email the title of the b00k and your e-transfer to helen@righttojoy.com.

Namaste, Helen Maupin