
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Tag: poetry

Trust: Who or What?

First comes inspiration, a vision of possibility, then follows action.  I have been married to this practice since I dreamt about it in 1998—inspiration »

Romantic Love or Real Love?

  Many years ago I read a relationship book that differentiated between romantic and real love.  Unfortunately, the book has disappeared from my ‘lending library’

A Writer’s Voice

Over the past 10 weeks, I facilitated a meditation, writing and sharing program that hosted individuals keen on discovering and deepening their awareness and transformation

What HALTS Joy?

Today I am not seeing and feeling the endless adventure that Life gifts us.  It is because I am tired.  Too much work, not enough

In the Arms of Time

  This week a dear friend of mine told me it was time for her ‘to dream big’.  Her words reminded me this is the