
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Tag: love

The Politics of Power

This past weekend, good friends listened to me ranting about political parties that feel they can only succeed with “majority rule”, and using such rationale

Love’s Secret

My heart is full having shared a Folk Festival virtual viewing with dearly loved friends. Note the Folk Festival wrist bands. This welcome gathering was

Lessons on Love

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.William Shakespeare Somewhere between 1564 and 1616, Shakespeare wrote the words above.  If I were to read

Mad Woman Laughing: Poetry for the Spirit

Madness, as in the theme of my soon-to-be-published poetry book, is a relative experience.  For instance, the three weeks leading up to Xmas day can

Love Everybody!

Can you imagine a world where everyone is loved and loving?  Now, can you imagine yourself loving everyone?  Did your thoughts go to that one

Unlimited and Unconditional Love

Over the holiday season I had time to ponder a subject near and dear to my heart — love.  More specifically, the question that interests

On Being Human — Joy is An Inside Job

In last week’s blog, I wrote about the five layers that comprise a human being — physical, energetic, mental/emotional, spiritual and joyful (my label).  Much