
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Category: Transformational Coaching

No Pain, No Gain

In the early 80s, the marketing slogan “no pain, no gain” became the motto for exercising the body’s muscles to the point of fatigue where

We Are All on a Spiritual Journey

The prospect of e-publishing my latest and longest developing book, Creating Space – The Practice of Transformation, Volume 1, is close at hand.  March is

Pitfalls on the Path

In last week’s blog, I commented on the rightness and restfulness of finding the middle ground between extreme choices.  Because this balancing act is being

Backing Off of Extreme

The posture of yoga is steady and easy. It is realized by relaxing one’s effort and resting like the cosmic serpent on the waters of

A Point of Departure

Upon some reflection, I feel the loss of solid ground and the shifting sands of a new beginning taking hold of me.  In this case,

Face Fear, Find Freedom

Currently, I am working with a new group of clients who are all transitioning from one career to another.  As can emerge, when change is

2012: Living the Good Life

Are you a New Year’s resolution maker?  Do you need a little inspiration this year to trigger what is important to you?  Each of us

Balance is the SPICE of Life

The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it. After a 3-week hiatus from blogging, I am grateful to say, “I’m back.” 

We Are All One

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become

Creating Through Intuition

I feel very blessed today — fatigued but blessed.  I returned home from several days of creative collaboration with six cherished friends.  We did not

Social Responsibility: How Do You Build Community?

  As futurists predicted, corporate social responsibility programs are growing faster than economic recovery.  Most participating enterprises are seizing this opportunity to enhance their competitive