
Transforming Fear to Joy

Creating Space — Yoga Actions for Torso & Spine

Not everyone can do all yoga poses, but everyone can do all yoga actions.Get_it_on_iBooks_Badge_US_1114

Torso & Spine CoverYoga Actions for Torso & Spine is the fourth in a five-volume series of print and e-books emphasizing actions in focused areas of our bodies – Feet & Ankles, Legs & Knees, Pelvis & Psoas, Shoulders & Arms. Within every volume, each action is displayed in a six-page layout with the first page describing the action and visually demonstrating the experience through a Pre Pose and a five-pose Peak sequence to further expand your experience. Finally, we follow each sequence with Plus Poses to further develop the action and Post Poses to fully relax the body and integrate the asana experience.

In essence, every yoga pose we practice has the intention of bringing us into Tadasana alignment, which maintains the natural curves of the spine and a balanced pelvis. This alignment contributes to the lightness and upward movement of the spine—the ability to stand tall. In Yoga Actions for Torso & Spine, you are building the spinal alignment, strength and flexibility necessary for standing tall. When the spine is unable to hold the torso upright, we overuse muscles and ligaments not intended for this purpose, which eventually leads to the many back-related issues prevalent today.

You may be familiar with the expression, “We are only as young as our spine.” Time and again, we witness this truth in mature practitioners who have the strength and confidence to bend over backwards or stand on their hands. By seeding your awareness with single-pointed concentration on each Torso & Spine yoga action, you will stand taller and experience the rebirth of the hero within you.

“This book is an excellent resource for students wishing to enrich their home practice and for teachers looking for inspirational lesson plans. Full of clearly explained and well chosen yoga actions paired with sequences for all levels.”     Jeremy Williamson

“Helen and Candace’s strong commitment to their yoga practice and the yoga path shine through in this enjoyable and well-rounded manual. The collection of step-by-step instructions in yoga actions and related asana sequences create a concise guide that is easy to understand and follow for beginning practitioners, yet deep enough to benefit advanced practitioners.”     Anke Sinclair

Available as an 8.5 x 10 inch soft cover edition (162 pps)!

WINNIPEG Buyers                       26.25 (gst incl.)

Available for purchase & pick-up @ the following locations:

120 Cauchon Street    (helen@righttojoy.com)
82 Harbison Ave. West    (clpropp@me.com)
Serene Yoga    474 St. Mary’s Road

CANADIAN Buyers                     Soft cover edition at Create Space.com
INTERNATIONAL Buyers         Soft cover edition available on Amazon.com or Amazon.eu