
Transforming Fear to Joy

Creating Space: Yoga Actions for Shoulders & Arms

In each of our books, the journey toward calm abiding with clear seeing is laid out in beginner, intermediate and integration yoga actions and sequences.  Yoga Actions for Shoulders & Arms is the fifth in what has now become a six-volume series of print and e-books emphasizing actions in focused areas of our bodies — Feet & Ankles, Legs & Knees, Pelvis & Psoas, Torso & Spine.  We recently added The Yoga Actions Glossary, which is still in production.  Within every volume, each yoga action is displayed in a six-page layout with the first page describing the action and visually demonstrating the experience through a Pre Pose, followed by a five-pose Peak sequence to further expand your experience of the action. Finally, we follow each sequence with Plus Poses to further develop the action and Post Poses to fully relax the body and integrate the asana experience.

We encourage you to read the yoga action on the first page and then apply it with the Pre Pose.  If you do not immediately feel the action in your body, continue using it for the sequence (Peak Poses) on the following pages as well as the Plus Poses.  It may take two or three poses or a full practice sequence before you awaken the area of emphasis.  Additionally, you may wish to include poses that you know create greater opening for your own body.  Gaining awareness and accepting what is true for you are two rewards emerging from the many wonders of a yoga practice.  Yoga emphasizes whole-being wellness so continue to incorporate the actions from our previous books that most suit your current needs.

Our yoga actions and breath regulation practices engage your will power (emotion and thoughts) to regulate the breath and body.  You may also wish to practice holding your awareness on the sensations that arise during your practice.  When we hold our awareness on sensation, we are witnessing, rather than willing, the collective action of mind, body and spirit in whatever healing and transformation is needed.

Candace and Helen continue to produce well-crafted practises that take the yoga practitioner deeper into the inner workings and experiences of alignment.  While editing this fifth volume of Creating Space, I had to restrain myself multiple times from stopping the editing process and starting to work with the actions and practises before me.

Yoga Actions for Shoulders & Arms explores an area of the body where many of us carry the weight of our life experiences. This book offers guidance for those seeking to wake up and shine light into places that keep us living in past pain and in fear of future suffering. Thank you Candace and Helen for the integrity, knowledge, and love you bring to our yoga community.     Lisa Dessens

Creating Space:  Yoga Actions for Shoulders & Arms is an amazing collection of knowledge and experience that is being passed onto others to help benefit their practice.  Candace and Helens’ dedication to their yoga practice shines through on the pages of this book and will benefit a beginner as well as a more advanced student.  From the opening introduction, through the beginning and intermediate principles, to the integration, there is something that all practitioners will benefit from.     Heather McKnight

Available as an 8.5 x 10 inch soft cover edition (164 pps)!

WINNIPEG Buyers                       26.25 (gst incl.)

Available for purchase & pick-up @ the following locations:

120 Cauchon Street    ([email protected])
82 Harbison Ave. West    ([email protected])
Serene Yoga    474 St. Mary’s Road

CALGARY Buyers                       26.25 (gst incl.)

Available for purchase & pick-up @ 

40 Hollyburn Road SW   ([email protected])

CANADIAN Buyers                     Soft cover edition at Create Space.com

INTERNATIONAL Buyers         Soft cover edition available on Amazon.com or