
Transforming Fear to Joy

Unplugged — Poetry for the Spiritual Warrior

Book Cover: Unplugged — Poetry for the Spiritual Warrior
Part of the Helen Maupin Poetry series:

For the past 20 years, I have had the privilege and pleasure to meditate, share and write in small circles of kindred spirits. I would not be who I am today if it were not for each of you who willingly held my hand in this divine pursuit. The shared energy of entering stillness and opening to the unknown took each on our own unique journey. I never sat down purposefully to write poetry, but inevitably that is what emerged. Thank you for your precious time, presence and passionate commitment to rebirthing joy.

Solid earthly wonder nudges into communion
with ancient visceral wisdom.

Unplugged, I pass off the need-to-know banner, and
my senses openly receive each moment's wisdom.
