
Transforming Fear to Joy

Today I am not seeing and feeling the endless adventure that Life gifts us.  It is because I am tired.  Too much work, not enough reward.  I need to halt what I am doing and reflect on my inner experience.

HALT – hungry, angry, lonely, tired – is an acronym I garnered from a friend who works for an addiction foundation.  These are the four major triggers experienced by anyone battling an addiction.  As someone who once smoked cigarettes, I can attest my addiction to smoking surfaced when I was tired.  Even today after 10 years as a non-smoker, if I forget to take care of myself and overwork, the desire for a cigarette returns in an irrational effort to create relaxation.

However, instead of opting for the cigarette, today I meditate to relax and recharge my body, mind and spirit.  The beauty of meditation is not only its ability to discharge addictions, but also to reunite us with our creative connection.  Neil Young said it best when asked about his creative process – “I don’t write music.  I receive it and then record it.”

When our creativity is free to fly, optimism and joy are what we feel and Life once again becomes the endless adventure.

Endless Adventure

An urging calls from within
pressing upon my senses.
Look!  Touch!  Feel!
‘til I can no longer resist
and am drawn to quest.
Spirit has spoken.

Silent Witness accompanies her
striding through breakwater,
strong, determined, forever seeking.
The pull of the past like the ocean tide
slaps her shins to retreat.
Resolutely she steps forward
each time braver than the last.

Suddenly, I crest atop the wave.
Not yet certain of the land but relishing the view.
With each glimpse, another piece of mystery takes shape.
Soon enough I will see its meaning.
For now, I delight in innocently following
the path of crumbs laid out before me.

Picture of Author: Helen Maupin

Author: Helen Maupin

Helen is passionate about transforming fear into love — from her, for her, for all. She expresses her commitment to transformation through writing poetry, self-awareness and yoga books, co-designing organizations into adaptive enterprises and deepening her daily meditation and yoga practices.


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