
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Month: May 2016

Everyone & Everything is Connected

There are no bad people, only bad systems frustrating good people from doing good work. In 25 years of supporting individuals and organizations to move

Collective Wounds — A Rationale for Universal Values

There comes a time in one’s wisdom journey through life where healing personal wounds is outgrown and replaced by a concern for the collective wounding of the planet and humanity at large. These shared or universal wounds — poverty, pollution, oppression/terrorism — are stored in the deepest grooves of the human brain and, overtime, negatively altered our DNA passing from generation to generation in their groundswell of enmity.

Matters of the Health — New Discoveries

Last week, I taught a mindful meditation session to employees in their workplace. Even though their self-admitted greatest challenge was to quiet their minds, the

Universal Principles of Change

As you may have reasoned from reading past blogs, my mind constantly seeks to draw out of life what I call universal principles. It’s my