
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Month: October 2011

Are You a Network Citizen?

Whether you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bebo, Qzone or any of the hundred other social networks, the boundaries between our personal and professional lives

Perspective: Abundance and Scarcity

Everywhere we see signs of abundance (plenty) — homes, gardens, beauty, health, wealth and laughter.  And everywhere we see signs of scarcity — homelessness, pollution,

The Value of Paradox

Paradox … some ‘thing’ that is constructed by individuals when oppositional tendencies are brought into recognizable proximity through reflections or interaction.     Ford & Backoff  

The Wonder of Play

Today, I am content to make playful choices rather than strive to achieve the several goals I set for myself on a regular basis.  Yesterday,

Who Are You? A Peek at Personality

I find the various disciplines that study human behaviour (anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology) intriguing.  Even as a child, although I wanted to be an astronaut