
Transforming Fear to Joy

Right to Joy - Blog Month: June 2011

Ideal or Shadow: Which Rebel are You?

  People who know themselves have the power and magnetism of confidence.  This charisma draws others seeking self-knowing.  Why?  Because an enlightened person cannot be

Organizational Change is Personal Change

In its simplest definition, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the capacity of being socially and self-aware.   The theory states the more able we are to understand

Relax – Release – Receive, then Act!

  Life always reveals to me exactly what I need to know. Gratefully the shadow side of Self, which inhibits growth, is constantly forced to

Creative Collaboration: Feeding the Soul

Every week, I gather together a circle of meditators and writers for the purposes of personal transformation and creative expression.  Each person chooses an inspirational

Trust: Who or What?

First comes inspiration, a vision of possibility, then follows action.  I have been married to this practice since I dreamt about it in 1998—inspiration »